Archive for the ‘Liberty’ Category
Random Comments On The Election Process
It is no secret that my participation in the very active discussions here RE the current election have been minimal. This is for the simple reason that I do not think the current sham process is worthy of much serious consideration. Having said that, I do have several comments to share, some of them repeats from previous blogs:
→ While I seriously question whether Donald Trump would make an effective president, I do thank him for making the “establishment†begin to show its true intentions. And those intentions are NOT pro-democracy, pro-republic or pro anything other than the absolute control of the nation by a small elite cabal of the wealthy, mostly in the financial sector, and not nearly all American. (The are the same people who pretty much “own†the FED.).
→ Speaking of the “establishmentâ€, I have heard several pundits opine that the “GOP establishment†would prefer a president Hillary to a president Donald. To refer to a “GOP establishment†or a “Democrat establishment†is simply incorrect. While they both seem to exist, the fact is that there is so much overlap that it is more accurate to refer instead to “THE establishmentâ€.
Please Don’t Vote
…It Just Encourages the Bastards:
Impeccable logic! Carlin was the best… 😀 â—„Daveâ–º
Message from BRUSSELS
Posted on YouTube back on March 13, 2016…
…well BEFORE the recent Jihadist mayhem there. Chilling… huh? Tell me again, how many of these Muslim so-called refugees is Obama promising to import here this year? â—„Daveâ–º
Hidden Agendas
I love this picture…
…accompanying Sundance’s post: Enough Is Enough – Bobby Jindal Walks Away From #NeverTrump Camp…, which is certainly interesting and thought provoking in its entirety; but there was an intriguing factoid included that I had never encountered before:
Trump Fever
Michael Goodwin of the New York Post, has penned the best article I have read yet about this election season, “Why it’s time for a Trump revolution“:
It’s been a long road to get here. When Trump’s name first popped up, I joked about moving to Canada. When he launched his campaign, I cursed him, certain he was going to create a circus just when Republicans finally had a strong field of candidates.
I was intrigued by many of them, starting with Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, John Kasich, Scott Walker and Jeb Bush. Others I admired while believing they wouldn’t get far — Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Ben Carson, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki and Carly Fiorina.
I like those Republicans even though I’m a registered Democrat, just not that kind of Democrat. I voted for President Obama in 2008, believing he meant it when he said no red states, no blue states, only the United States. The barrier he broke added to his appeal.
Six months later, I was off the bus. It was already clear Obama had no intention of building a consensus on anything, although few realized he would be such a radical and partisan polarizer. He may love America, but doesn’t seem to like actual Americans. Other than himself, of course.
That certainly peaked my interest in what he had to say. Obviously, he is by no means a rabid partisan or ideologue.
The Merciful End
Robert Ringer’s latest article is a masterpiece, “The Merciful End of the Corrupt GOP?“:
The Republican Party appears to be thrashing about like a wild beast in the final stages of its death throes. For those of us who are repulsed by politicians, political parties, and the odious political process, it’s quite entertaining to watch.
(Before proceeding, it’s important to point out that what people think of as the Republican Party is really just a wing of what I have been referring to since 1979 as the Demopublican Party — an oligarchy with two wings, the Democratic wing that sets the agenda and the Republican wing whose main function is to help implement that agenda.)
Of course, such a fraud would not be possible were it not for the fact that our rulers put a great deal of time and effort into providing great theater that diverts the public’s attention from the truth. And the most important aspect of this theater is that the two factions of the Demopublican oligarchy gratuitously pretend to be at odds with one another.
But make no mistake about it — all members in both wings of the party fully understand the importance of the theater aspect of the political game, never losing sight of the fact that their overarching, joint objective is to stay in power. Everything else about the game is secondary. The unspoken understanding among Demopublicans is, “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. And if you refuse to play the game, you can be sure that you won’t be around long.â€
Good grief… does that sound like me, or what? Please read the whole thing – it is too good to miss.
Do Not Fail…
…to grasp this logic:
Whatever one thinks of Trump, the revolution has already started, and the election will not end it. Pick a side… â—„Daveâ–º
The Real Trump
The headline on Drudge right now says: “Butler Has Trump’s Back.” Curious as to whether ‘Butler’ was a name or a job title, I followed the link to a RCP article entitled, “Trump Butler: “Incredibly Generous,” “Just A Nice Man”” It seems that 84-year-old Tony Senecal, Trump’s loyal butler for 16 years before his retirement, was interviewed on CNN this morning:
“He’s an incredibly generous person. He’s been generous to his employees. He’s generous to strangers. He’s an entirely a nice guy. He’s not the gruff person that people make him out to be. Sure, you attack him, he’s going to fight back. But most of the time he’s just a nice man. I lasted with him for 20 years, he had to be pretty good,” Senecal said.
Senecal defended Trump as a patriot who wants what is best for the country.
“His interest in the American people. His patriotism. The man was born on Flag Day. He’s a very patriotic person — ahem, excuse me — and he wants what’s best for this country,” he told CNN.
The video of the entire CNN interview is embedded in the article.
Happy Anniversary
…to me. I always celebrate March 9th, because on this date in 1973, was the last time I ever wore a silly necktie. 🙂
Forty-three years ago today, I abandoned my reasonably successful high-tech corporate career in Silicon Valley, to become an entrepreneur. During my farewell speech at my going-away luncheon, I removed my necktie and gave it to a colleague, promising to never again put such a ridiculous thing around my neck. I have faithfully kept that vow to this day, even though I have occasionally been turned away at fancy restaurants and night clubs. To me, one’s principles are inviolable. :D ◄Daveâ–º
Educated or Indoctrinated?
I am reading article after article making a fuss over the fact that Trump supporters tend to be ‘less-educated,’ and how ‘college-educated’ voters tend to support more moderate or progressive candidates. The tone of most of them clearly shows an elitist bias, against lesser unfortunates lacking a degree. Surely, had we gone to college, we wouldn’t be so dumb as to support Trump.
To me, there is nothing remarkable at all about this statistic. Who do they think is doing the ‘higher education?’ Most college professors haven’t a lick of common sense or real world experience, and are collectivist ideologues. What are the chances that very many of their graduates, manage to escape their corrosive environment as right thinking individualists?
I suspect that most of these articles are written by younger journalists, who haven’t a clue that those of us who got our high school diplomas back in the ’60s or earlier, acquired a far better education in 12 years, than now is achieved in 16. Then, we spent a lifetime learning even more, and accumulating wisdom. When reading such, the best way to contemplate their data, is to substitute the term ‘indoctrinated’ for every occurrence of the word ‘educated.’ 😉 â—„Daveâ–º
The Real Ted Cruz?
I don’t know why this Daily Caller editorial, “Who Is The Real Ted Cruz?” is just now showing up on Drudge; but it is devastating:
Vladimir Lenin said, “There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.â€
I can’t think of a better description of Ted Cruz’s relationship with the DC-Wall Street Establishment – Cruz being the scoundrel of course. Cruz’s claim of not being a tool of the political elite is like Bill Clinton telling the world, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.â€
Webster’s definition of a scoundrel is a dishonest or unscrupulous person, and Cruz has become quite adroit at saying one thing while his history shows him doing the other. Rather than the outsider he claims to be, Ted Cruz is the ultimate insider, former top Bush 41 policy aide and globalist, Ivy Leaguer, and establishment insider.
Ouch… and that is just the beginning of the number the author does on the man he calls “Calgary Ted” and his wife:
A Sleeping Giant
I’ll let the Judge explain it herself:
It just isn’t prudent to cross da judge. Methinks she has a tender spot for her old friend Donald. 😀 â—„Daveâ–º
A Movement Conservative
Michelle Malkin unplugged:
Is the GOPe listening? Do they care? Why should conservatives ever again pay them the slightest attention, if they don’t? â—„Daveâ–º
Why Trump Will Win
Those from my generation, who may not have had their ears inoculated by a drill sergeant in their youth, might wish to skip this:
…but one is unlikely to find a better indictment of the status quo, and explanation of Trump’s appeal to frustrated and pissed-off Jacksonians, all done in just four minutes. Count on this going viral. If trump could use it as a commercial, he would win in an unprecedented landslide. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º
Fox News vs. CNN
The title of Robert Ringer’s latest article is, “Fox News Achieves Mainstream Status,” which is a serious indictment all by itself. He makes a good case for it, which I find myself in substantial agreement with:
When I first discovered Fox News back in the late nineties, it was like finding a long, lost friend. Fair and balanced — what a great motto. But I was led to believe that “fair and balanced†meant Fox would be a conservative counterbalance to the corrupt, left-wing media that shills for the Dirty Dems.
I drank the Fox Kool-Aid for years, but along the way I had to eliminate one commentator after another and mute out an increasing number of “contributors.†I refer to them collectively as The Unwatchables — people I simply cannot bring myself to watch. They include such obnoxious (and, in some cases, stupid) folks as Bernie Goldberg, Kirsten Powers, Juan Williams, Steve Hayes, and Greta, to name but a few.
He goes on to discuss his opinion of several more Fox personalities, which is worth the time to read. Then, he shocked me:
The Plot Thickens
I just had an interesting conversation with my younger sister. You may recall me mentioning in the past, that she was born in an off-base civilian hospital, in occupied Germany in 1947, and thus is not a natural born citizen (NBC), even though our parents were themselves both NBCs. Before I get into our conversation, let me explain what instigated it.
I was once a fairly regular reader of J.B. Williams, and was nearly always impressed by his work. Recently I stumbled across a 2-month-old article by him entitled, “TED CRUZ IS IN THE US SENATE ILLEGALLY?” Let me begin with its conclusion:
On the basis of all available evidence today, Ted Cruz is in fact holding a seat in the U.S. Senate illegally, with no documented proof of legal U.S. citizenship whatsoever, and proof of Canadian citizenship between the years of birth in 1970 and May 2014.
It is unfortunate that a person so many have placed their political faith in has proven willing to defraud his supporters for both votes and millions in campaign donations. But it is better we know now, than after he wins the GOP nomination only to be destroyed by Democrats later, using the same facts and evidence presented here.
What will the people do with this knowledge? Are they really motivated by restoration of Constitutional compliance, or mere political expediency?
Embarrassing as it should be to those patriotic Constitutionalists supporting Cruz, it appears that for the most part, the answer is political expediency.
Enough of Beck
As I have mentioned before, I was appalled by the ridiculous statement by Jerry Falwell explaining 9/11 to Pat Robertson. He stated that obviously God had removed his divine protection from our country, because of our increasing tolerance of homosexuals and the gay lifestyle. I was so disgusted that I swore I would never listen to another thing he ever said. From then on, every time I saw his pudgy face on TV, I immediately either turned it off or changed the channel, and kept my vow for the rest of his miserable life.
As long-time readers know, I was once was an avid Glenn Beck fan and supporter. I was an ‘Insider’ member of his radio program long before he ever got the gig on Fox News. I loved his TV program, which I must admit had a major impact on my thinking regarding Islam and Middle East politics. I bought and read all of his books. I was an early adopter of his ‘Blaze’ news site. I even subscribed to his new internet TV program, for the first couple of years after he left Fox.
I was as tolerant as I could be, of the increasing religious nature of his endeavors, until such insufferably became the primary focus of his existence. Now I only bother to visit the Blaze when following a link to a news item there, which has nothing to do with Beck himself. Several months ago, I even unsubscribed to his free newsletter, which I had received daily for many years.
Laissez Faire America
The French term ‘laissez faire’ doesn’t just apply to economics. Literally, it translates to ‘let the people do as they wish,’ or a refusal to interfere in other people’s affairs. E.g. I take a laissez faire attitude toward other’s religious proclivities. As long as they don’t pester me about them, or try to get government to impose their dogma on others, what they believe and how they worship is their business, and none of mine.
It also makes a great synonym for the basic original meaning of anarchy – the absence of control by rulers of any sort, would be a laissez faire society. Since the term ‘anarchy’ has been corrupted in the minds of most, to now be synonymous with ‘chaos,’ perhaps I could find readers more willing to consider a government-free society, if I employed the French term, which is considered a positive attribute, by most who are at all familiar with it.
I have found there to be ample valid arguments, to counter all the trepidation usually expressed, by those arguing that at least a minimal government is required to maintain a civil society. Yet, unfortunately, as soon as the word anarchy comes up, most minds snap shut, as they envision ruthless brutes and gangs taking over their communities. The degree to which most sheeple are willing to forego Liberty, for the promise of a little security, is downright shameful.
If I thought that there was the slightest hope that the Federal government could ever again be downsized, and constrained by the intent of the original Constitution, I could live with that hope and work toward those ends. Alas, any rational person would have to agree that will never be. Thus, hereafter, when I use the term laissez faire, it will be my ‘dog whistle’ for expressing my blatant desire to completely abolish the Federal government in America, and replace it with nothing… i.e. anarchy. 🙂 â—„Daveâ–º
What The Heck Just Happened
Suddenly, with the death of Justice Scalia, things have gotten far more interesting. Assuming the GOP Senate successfully blocks Obama from getting a nominee seated before the next POTUS takes office, then the outcome of the presidential contest takes on a much greater importance.
IMHO, this new wrinkle makes it imperative that the next POTUS favor a strict interpretation of the Constitution.
Troy L Robinson