Archive for the ‘Liberty’ Category
Sheeple Farming
This is very well done:
What would happen if everyone understood this? What would you do if you came to believe you didn’t need and/or want rulers controlling your life anymore? Read the rest of this entry »
The Myth Of A “Popular Voteâ€
The progressives learned long ago that any lie, no matter how egregious, can take on a patina of truth if – it is repeated long enough and often enough.
How many times have you heard, since the election, that Hillary “won the popular vote�
What popular vote? There simply is no such thing. Yet, the progressive media continue to chant about it election after election. Why? Because they want to get rid of the Constitutional rule that the States elect the president and set up some form of national election.
Let me digress for a moment. What did Hillary actually win? Simple. She won the excess vote in several very large liberal states such as New York and California. What do I mean by “excess voteâ€. Simple again. The excess vote in any state is the number of votes in excess of the number required to win that states electoral vote.
What the crooked pundits fail to report to WTS is that, when the States established the federal government, by virtue of ratifying the Constitution, they delegated several of their inherent powers to said federal government in the name of a common defense and free trade between the States (among other things). One of the powers the States did not delegate to the federal government is the power to conduct elections. Ergo, there is no federal (or national) vote in these United States. That being the case, there can therefore be no national “popular voteâ€. End of statement. It is simply not possible without amending our Constitution.
Woe is us say the crooked pundits. This means we are not really a true democracy. How about that?? The Founders shunned the idea of a true democracy opting for a constitutional republic instead. Indeed, several of the founders compared true democracy to mob rule.
So, the fact that Hillary lost the election despite of winning the excess vote in a few ultra-liberal states proves only that our Constitution is working as intended by its creators. Read the rest of this entry »
Relax About Bannon
Five Years Ago:
Color me impressed. This is the Left’s “racist monster?” Who could watch this and believe that? One thing he damn sure isn’t is a sexist! He is the guy who made Sarah Palin’s film, praises the women leading the T-Party, and his daughter is a West Point graduate. Read the rest of this entry »
Now What?
I’ve taken a week to decompress. I have had an interesting reaction to the outcome of the election. On election night, I was nearly euphoric, as I bemusedly watched the stunned media, dealing with the mounting results. What had seemed so obviously predictable to me, had been more or less inconceivable to them. But after that night, the news coverage of the aftermath has been somewhat boring, and I am looking forward to focusing on other subjects.
From the beginning of his campaign, my dream mission for Trump was to create havoc, among the elites in the Incumbrepublocrat duopoly. Several months ago, I reckoned that he had already accomplished my assignment, by thrashing and marginalizing the GOPe, in the Primaries. Although as a budding anarchist, I had no real interest in him (or anyone else) becoming the next POTUS, I’ll admit that I did enjoy watching him vanquish the particularly insufferable (and patently ineligible) Canadian Born Citizen, Ted Cruz in the process. A job well done.
At that juncture, his winning the General was unimportant to me, as the Federal government itself has little relevance in my own life. Eventually, however, my sense of justice, combined with the flood of revelations documenting the nefarious activities of the Clinton Crime syndicate, instilled in me a compelling interest in Hillary’s defeat, so I kept cheering him on. Again Trump overachieved, and that in the end she couldn’t even make it to her own retirement party on election night, was particularly delicious. Was she too busy bawling, shrieking, boozing, or perhaps all three? Another job well done. 😉
Yet, a fair evaluation from my worldview, would suggest Trump’s political achievements so far, go well beyond these triumphs. Read the rest of this entry »
Agenda Unmasked
In case you didn’t understand or believe the Progressive agenda for encouraging massive immigration:
…Obama has ripped the mask off. The word ‘unbelievable’ has literally become obsolete. There is simply no such thing left, in the world of partisan politics. Read the rest of this entry »
Dilbert’s Grand Wager
Scott Adams at his best: “The Crook Versus the Monster”
Thanks to timely assists from Wikileaks, Trump has successfully framed Hillary clinton as a crooked politician. Meanwhile, Clinton has successfully framed Trump as a dangerous monster. If the mainstream polls are accurate, voters prefer the crook to the monster. That makes sense because a crook might steal your wallet but the monster could kill you. As of today, Clinton has the superior persuasion strategy. Crook beats monster.
Reality isn’t a factor in this election, as per usual. If the truth mattered, voters might care that the Democratic primaries were rigged against Sanders. They might care that the Clinton Foundation looks like a pay-to-play scheme. They might care that the FBI gave Clinton a free pass. They might care that we know Clinton cheated in at least one debate by getting a question in advance. They might care that Clinton’s dirty-tricks people incited the violence at Trump rallies. They might care that Clinton’s “speaking fees†were curiously high. They might care about all of that. But they don’t, because a crook is still a safer choice than a monster.
This is a consistent theme of Adam’s blog, in which he endeavors mightily to help us understand how insignificant most of the scandals we obsess over, will be to the ultimate outcome of this election. Read the rest of this entry »
How Much Worse Can It Get?
As we enter the final leg of the 2016 presidential race, we get mounting evidence that neither front-runner is fit to be elected dogcatcher, much less president.
I feel as if we are a nation of trapped rats because I see little or nothing that realistically can be done at this point. Electing Johnson/Weld is simply not going to happen, no matter how much I approve the idea. People are simply too ignorant to see what is about to happen. Massive protests would only enable the Obamanation to declare martial law and cancel the election. Moving Pence to the top of the GOP ticket might work but Trump is far too egotistical to do the right thing and resign the race. Ergo, it seems inevitable that we will elect either a known criminal who has now been exposed as a traitor as well, or, increasingly less likely, we will elect an egomaniac who, if elected, would most likely cause a global trade war while violating every aspect of our Constitution as well.
BTW, I am less bothered by Trump’s adolescent sexual chatter because the Republic has already survived two other sexual predators (Kennedy and Clinton) although I do think that such behavior did contribute to the failing moral character of the Republic.
I see from the polls (which I do not trust in the least) that the top issues in the minds of our citizens are the economy and terrorism, with illegal immigration close behind. If this is truly what concerns us then we should be very ashamed because the most obvious (IMHO) real issues confronting us are corruption and a failed education system. Read the rest of this entry »
Just Deserts
One frequently encounters the sentiment that people get the government they deserve. This is usually found in the context that those suffering tyranny in foreign lands, should rise up and overthrow their rulers. I must admit that I have in the past been persuaded by this logic, especially during debate over the notion that we somehow have a moral obligation, to go abroad seeking dragons to slay, on behalf of oppressed people.
I am pretty clear in my assessment that we have no such obligation; but is it even true that oppressed slaves deserve their masters, for lack of will to depose them, violently if necessary?
In a comment section here the other day, CT referring to Hillary said:
It boils down to CHARACTER … who has it and who does not.
I am not talking about CHARACTER of the candidates I am talking about character of the American voter who clearly is about to get exactly what they deserve.
From my increasingly anarchistic perspective, I was tempted to quip that this would be their just deserts, for legitimizing the oligarch’s Kabuki dance by voting at all, regardless of the winner of their sham election. The “Deep State” could care less who wins an election; because normally they control both candidates. The jury is still out; but this is the first time in at least a generation that this may not be true.
I have just finished reading probably the most important essay of this political season, which concluded with:
The election of 2016 is a test—in my view, the final test—of whether there is any virtù left in what used to be the core of the American nation. If they cannot rouse themselves simply to vote for the first candidate in a generation who pledges to advance their interests, and to vote against the one who openly boasts that she will do the opposite (a million more Syrians, anyone?), then they are doomed. They may not deserve the fate that will befall them, but they will suffer it regardless.
The pseudonymous author was referring, of course, to the #NeverTrump faction of the conservative intelligentsia, which he repeatedly excoriates with the delicious metaphor, of comparing them to the Washington Generals. Read the rest of this entry »
The Alt-Right
First, I would like to point out my “Cultural Bigotry” essay, which I wrote a few months back, before I ever heard of the “Alt-Right.” Since Hillary’s speech introducing the term to the rest of us, much is being made of the alleged ‘racist’ or ‘white supremacist’ nature of some of those associated with it. The research I have been doing, has revealed that multicultural challenges, are seen as much more important than race to these young folks. For one thing, they are actually intelligent enough to understand that terms like ‘Muslim’ or ‘Mexican,’ do not refer to the race of those they label. However, here is a short discussion of the diversity within the movement, by one of its founders:
Certainly not PC; but I find his positions reasonable, and certainly worthy of open discussion in the marketplace of ideas. I also note his push back, regarding whether either Breitbart or Trump, Read the rest of this entry »
Eliminating Authority
For the first time in our society’s seemingly inexorable death spiral, I have regained a significant measure of hope for the future of America, and indeed all of mankind. Once again, it seems, technology will come to our rescue.
Would a world without any rulers, where war was rendered impossible, be such a bad place to live? If there were a way to eventually nullify the power of all states, not just our own, would it be worth doing?
“Anarchy is not lack of order. Anarchy is lack of ORDERS.” -unknown
What if there were nobody left daring to even follow unpopular orders, much less issue them? Without so-called ‘leaders,’ and disciplined followers willing to execute their orders, no form of tyranny or warfare could possibly exist. Think about that undeniable fundamental truth for a moment.
I find it astonishing that I had never heard of Jim Bell, and his 20-year-old 10-part essay, “Assassination Politics,” in which he described and defended a technological method for eliminating unpopular politicians from society. Read the rest of this entry »
Importing War
Pat Condell continues to speak naked truth to power:
Well said… the insanity of importing war! Why in the name of Zeus, are America’s unhinged Progressives trying so hard to follow suit? Read the rest of this entry »
Pursuit of Happiness
In the previous thread “Globalists vs Americans,” while replying to Chris’ comment, I mentioned:
Of course, from my own perspective, the real dichotomy is the Collectivists vs Individualists, which basically eliminates all the statist Incumbrepublocrat politicians, including Trump. This explains why as a sovereign individualist, my only viable option is to vote ‘None of the Above,’ by the simple expedient of not voting at all.
As is her wont, CT then asked a question that requires a thoughtful answer:
Dave as a sovereign individualist, do you live happily in the framework of what is today?
This deserves more than a quick reply; hence the new post. First, a few clarifications, regarding the natural rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, as well as Individual Sovereignty.
For me, the entire purpose of life is the pursuit of happiness. Thus, if I chose not to allow myself to be happy, there would be little point in doing the things I do for my health, to perpetuate my life beyond my 70+ years.
Liberty, I define as the opportunity to live my life as I choose to live it, as long as I do not forcefully interfere in the rights of others, to live their own lives as they choose. Read the rest of this entry »
Globalists vs Americans
Lou Dobbs nails it:
Profound insight. Trump is an imperfect candidate, for sure; but how many of his opponents were principled American populists, and how many were either globalists, or beholden to globalists for campaign finance? Read the rest of this entry »
I Ain’t Voting
This is delicious. Finally a BLM protest that makes good sense: “Some Black Lives Matter activists plan not to vote in November“:
Newsome is leading a new campaign to get African Americans to do something that few civil rights leaders have recommended: stop voting. He believes that only by withdrawing support from the major parties can black communities force politicians to address their concerns about police brutality.
He calls it “I Ain’t Voting” — and he says he’s aware that it could be seen as a rejection of the struggle that a previous generation went through.
“Before, we fought to have our right to vote,†he says. “But now we need to fight to have our right to vote mean something.†[Emphasis mine]
Brilliant! I wish him well. Read the rest of this entry »
Tieg & Oz
This was an extraordinary talk, which I missed on TV:
Too bad these brave men were not allowed to tell their story four years ago. I doubt that Obama would have been reelected, Read the rest of this entry »
Then Home Again, Home Again…
We are back in Texas, having survived FreedomFest 2016 in Las Vegas. The overall experience was good and the best of it was wonderful. The best of the best was a speech by Andrew Napolitano. His presentation alone was worth the price of admission. Next best was a speech by Yaron Brook. No surprise there as we have heard Dr. Brook before and he is always right on.
Senator Rand Paul made a good speech of the sort that would have made his presidential candidacy much more viable than the teenage-like attempts at smart-mouth behavior he exhibited in the GOP debates. Ex Governors and Libertarian candidates Johnson and Weld made several appearances. While I support and will vote for Gov. Johnson, he comes off as way too laid back to attract the kind of attention needed to get his ball really rolling. And, were there ever a year and a circumstance for getting said ball rolling, this is the time and the situation.
As for Las Vegas itself, it is the most unnecessary creation of mankind that one could imagine. It is hotter than the gates of Hell, everything is grossly overpriced and the main attraction is the opportunity to give your hard earned money away playing “games” that are not even interesting. On the positive side, there is a lot of booby watching available (which I thoroughly enjoy despite being too old to remember why).
Troy L Robinson
Napolitano on Pence
The Judge always calls them like he sees them:
I concur with his analysis, in all respects. Of course, from my perspective, Trump too is a statist. Read the rest of this entry »
Dilbert’s FBI Hero
Scott Adams has done it again. He has provided something worth seriously pondering: “The FBI, Credibility, and Government“:
The primary goal of government is its own credibility.
That notion needs some explaining.
Governments do many things, including building roads, providing social services, defending the homeland, and more. But no matter what the government is trying to accomplish, its macro-responsibility is to maintain its own credibility. Governments without credibility devolve into chaos. Credibility has to be job one.
That is profound! I had never considered it this way before; but upon reflection, he is absolutely right. I would say that this is particularly important in a state like the USA, which claims to be a self-governing, Constitutionally limited, representative republic, where citizens voluntarily accept the rule of law, within the concept of a participatory democracy.
Whether any of that is in fact true, is somewhat beside the point, as long as the sheeple believe enough of it, to accept the legitimacy of the state to rule over their lives. Somehow over the years, the American sheeple have been brainwashed, Read the rest of this entry »
Get It Yet?
In all I read today about the FBI refusing to prosecute Hillary, I thought Karl Denninger said it best:
The Rule of Law was officially burned and buried today on live television by the Director of the FBI.
You therefore no longer have any moral requirement to adhere to same; your entire analysis must now rest on whether you are sufficiently afraid of being shot — and nothing more.
America, as envisioned and fought for by the founders, died today at 11:00 AM ET, 7/5/2016.
240 years and one day from birth to death.
Or, as Trump tweeted: #riggedsystem. I have argued that this was obvious ten years ago. So did the immortal George Carlin:
…who continues to make more and more sense, the older I get. There is simply no way in hell to restore this country, by voting for the lesser of two evils offered up by the oligarch’s Incumbrepublocrat duopoly. â—„Daveâ–º