Archive for the ‘Jihad’ Category
Thank You President Obama
So, a massive attack in California, apparently by peaceful Muslims. Thanks to Obama’s insight, I now understand why.
Here I was, thinking that some brain-washed folks, desperately clinging to ideas and traditions formed when many of our kind still lived in caves, were bent on killing any and all who dare try to enlighten the Muslims – or even just trying to enlighten themselves.
Now I understand that they are being driven wild by fear of global climate change – no religious connection whatever. WOW! That really explains everything. All I need to do now is turn off the AC, burn my F-350, get a horse to ride and all will be well again.
Meanwhile, back in the real world…
Doesn’t the 25th amendment to our Constitution allow for removal from office of a president who is clearly unfit to do the job? According to Bill O’Reilly, this almost happened to Reagan when he was actually doing a half-derriere job. The current guy, IMHO, is doing a “derriere free†job (unless you count his head as a derriere – or, being stuck in a derriere). It is truly amazing how much more damage can be done in “only†14 months.
I know that we all pretty much agree that the USA is nearing its end. But that does not mean I cannot (or should not) protest every inch of the way toward that end.
Think about it. Then pour yourself a good dram of Scottish magic (I prefer Laphroaig), light up a good cigar, and read something that pleases your mind. At least this works for me.
Troy L Robinson
Did Europe Ask For It?
Here is a quick question that, I hope, will inspire more spirited exchanges. The question is: did Europe ask for the troubles it is now having with Muslim imports?
My answer is a definite YES, just as we are eventually going to pay for our own foolishness in that area. But Europe has far less excuse having already had years of conflict with and invasions by Muslims. Of course, part of the European problem is that a number of European nations colonized Muslim nations then allowed the citizens of those colonized nations to automatically become citizens of the colonizing nations. Another classic case of dumb being followed by dumber.
Rave on!
Islamic Hate Speech
It seems like half of the PC arguments these days are over what we should or should not say in regards to uncivilized violence by angry young men screaming “Allahu Akbar.” Whether the Jihadi interpretation of the holy writs of their Islamic religion is correct or not, seems rather immaterial to me. They proudly claim they are acting as righteous martyrs on behalf of their god, as directed by their revered prophet Mohammed. Having done a bit of study of the Qur’an and Hadith, I am inclined to accept that they fervently believe that.
I have encountered countless Christians who believe their Holy Bible is the unerring literal word of their God. That modern enlightened Christians can accept that Earth is exceedingly more than ~6,000-years-old, and that “Creation” didn’t quite go down precisely as written, doesn’t change the fact that untold millions still think the fable is unassailable history. Which of the two camps would have the better claim of authority to proclaim the other is ‘misinterpreting’ Genesis? Now, ask the same of the Muslim Jihadis vs. the so-called ‘Islam is the Religion of Peace’ moderates.
CAIR has just condemned as “Hate Rhetoric” an American politician referring to ISIS as “Islamic Savages” on Twitter, and is demanding an apology. What exactly are we supposed to call barbarians shouting “Allahu Akbar” while decapitating a bound non-combatant prisoner, or immolating alive a helplessly caged POW? How about these rather militant Muslims, who prefer shooting their bound civilian captives:
…are they just misinformed about their glorious religion of peace? How unfortunate for the Infidels they encounter. Savage is too kind a word for these barbarous Islamic marauders. It is often preceded by ‘noble,’ as in ‘noble savage,’ and however they delude themselves, or are cheered on by their coreligionists, there is nothing in the slightest noble about these despicable miscreants.
The term ‘Hate Speech’ has always been curious to me. I think of ‘hate’ as more or less the opposite of ‘love,’ yet intertwined by a close connection of some sort. Generally, one can only conjure the emotion of hate for someone one first loved, or at least knew and cared for in some way. If someone says, “I hate you!” it can only hurt if one somehow values their opinion, and wished otherwise. One can easily be prejudiced against a group or individual, with or without just cause, without hating them. It is perfectly reasonable and rational, to ‘profile’ others and decide one is entirely indifferent to what they may think, and conclude that one has no interest in interacting with them in any way, for whatever reason.
Those considering this view bigoted, are precisely those PC busybodies who rant against ‘Hate Speech.’ I am as indifferent to their condemnation as I am to the outspoken defenders of Islam. Why should I care what they think, when they are so incompetent at it? I could care less what Muslims do to each other in their Middle East sandbox, and frankly I am weary of expending American blood and treasure trying to ‘save’ them from their irrational sectarian squabbles. We should ship them all the guns and ammunition they want, and get out of their way so they can efficiently kill each other, while we are busy turning shale into oil, fracking, building pipelines, and drilling in ANWAR.
I have no reason to hate them; but I damn sure despise Jihadists and their primitive religion. As a Natural Born American, it is my unalienable right to say so, PC be damned. Meanwhile, those Muslims wishing to immigrate here need to understand that we have our own culture, which we like just fine, and a constitutional secular government that is, and forever will be, alien to Sharia law. We don’t intend to change either to accommodate your religious preferences. Assimilate or go find a better country. This one is taken. â—„Daveâ–º
Islam – Straight, Fearless, & Frank
Troy has suggested we engage in a discussion of Islam. To set the tone, I suggest we take the lead from our old friend Pat Condell:
It doesn’t get much straighter, fearless, & frank than that…Â â—„Daveâ–º