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Brainless In Baltimore
In my 72 years on this earth, I have never before seen such a demonstration of total incompetence and utter stupidity as what has transpired in Baltimore these last few days.
Evidently, the latest outbreak of brainlessness in Baltimore was triggered by the arrest of a young black man for the obviously egregious crime of making eye contact with police officers then attempting to ride away on his bike. These brave officers responded by shackling the young man, tossing him into a police van without seat belt or harness to keep him in place then, apparently, taking him on what is called a “rough rideâ€. Said ride must have earned its name because the young man emerged with a broken spine and sufficient spinal cord damage that he died of his injuries.
The geniuses that administer Baltimore reacted by suspending several police officers – with pay – then offering nothing by way of explanation, excuse or what have you. Exactly what did they think the reaction of the black community would be? Especially in light of several other well publicized incidents between police and young black men.
Even though there had already been some troublesome demonstrations in Baltimore with threats of more to come, the funeral of the victim, an obvious time for unleashing resentment, is held with there having been almost no preparation by city authorities for handling what was surely about to happen.
Then, at the end of the funeral, when the trouble is starting for real, local city transportation (subway and buses) are made unavailable to thousands of young blacks trying to get home from school, leaving them little else to do than join the demonstrations.
Next, the head genius (the mayor) tells her police force, in effect, to let them loot and riot, presumably to depressurize the situation. Of course, this has the opposite effect and the riots get even worse. Yet, the head genius waits until nearly dark, when the rioting is bound to go ballistic, to ask the governor to deploy the national guard.
It is now the next day and portions of Baltimore are still burning. Who’d a thunk it?
One might easily assume that Baltimore is run by a bunch of redneck whites who intentionally let all this happen – right? Not exactly. The mayor, chief of police and several other high administrators of the city are all black. We do not yet know the racial makeup of the police officers who started all this with an apparent illegal arrest and mistreatment of the victim but racism does not seem to suffice as an explanation for all that has happened.
How then is it to be explained?
With no other evidence to go on, I will offer my explanation: The same deadly mix of incompetence and corruption that is ruining government at every level in our once proud republic.
BTW, doesn’t a governor outrank a mayor? Why then did the governor of MD not take it upon himself to deploy the national guard early enough to have gotten the situation under control well before dark?
Why did the mayor not immediately invoke a curfew in an attempt to clear the streets instead of appearing to give the rioters freedom to riot and loot?
In a word, why do we have so many “leaders†who are quick to point fingers and place blame rather than step up to the responsibility they pledged to take when assuming power?
Again, I presume to answer my own question: We tolerate irresponsibility in our leaders because we-the sheeple are ourselves generally irresponsible.
My friends, we are letting, even helping, all this to happen over and over. It is not ISIS/ISIL, the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians or whoever else we like to blame for our woes. To again quote the great philosopher Pogo the Possum, “we have met the enemy and he is USâ€.
Think about it.
Troy L Robinson
Nothing About Putin
I notice that there has been no discussion here of the recent Putin conquests and provocations.
May I have the satisfaction of knowing this is because, like me, the rest of you suspect this is nothing more or less than a sideshow meant to deflect international attention away from more significant activities – such as the treasonous activities of supposed “democratic†governments all over the world as well as the cowardice they display in regard to the Muslim threat?
For sure, innocent people are being slaughtered in this “sideshow†but, when did the lives of innocent people ever matter to those who truly wield power in this world? Truth is that we are simply utility objects to them. Sometimes our best use comes from helping increase their wealth or power through our work. Sometimes it comes from shedding our blood in whatever way seems to suit their current purposes.
On a side note, it makes me incredibly sad to realize that I once worked for what I am convinced with the best corporation in the world (IBM). During my tenure there, I saw it degenerate into just another corporation. I was born in what was undoubtedly the best nation in history. During my tenure here, I have seen America degenerate into just another country.
Consenting to become “ordinary†when you have been outstanding is such an insult to any enterprise.
Troy L Robinson
Beyond Belief
Many of us have known for years that the Clinton family (mob) is totally and completely corrupt – in every sense of that word. And they have been since Bill was first learning his “craft†in Arkansas. Ergo, the “news†that the Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a front for influence peddling, and for the extreme personal enrichment of the Clinton family, is no surprise.
(According to a report broadcast on the Limbaugh program, only 15% of the money taken in by the Clinton Foundation actually goes to some legitimate charitable purpose. The other 85% goes to “expensesâ€, about 50% of which are unspecified. Can there be any relationship between these “unspecified†foundation expenses and the fact that the Clinton family fortune has increased somewhere in the neighborhood of ¼ BILLION dollars since Bill left the presidency?)
The part of this disgusting story that strains my credulity is this: despite anything Bill or Hillary may do, about 40% of the American people continue to both love and support them. I honestly believe that were Hillary to pour gasoline on a truck load of live babies then set it afire on live television, that 40% would still hold firm in their support, somehow being made to believe that the energy companies, the truck companies and the manufacturers of matches were the real villains.
I have made no secret, in this space in particular, that I think the so-called “dumbing down†of America has worked beyond any progressive’s wildest dreams. Still, the current outrages must be obvious even to most household pets – possibly excluding goldfish. How could any mentally healthy human being be brought to accept what is so obvious to even the causal observer?
It has gotten so bad that even many in the Lame-Stream-Media are starting to speak out!
Still, Hillary not only remains a viable candidate for president, she is statistically tied with – or leading her probable GOP opponents.
We are currently led by an obvious traitor and pseudo-dictator who may well be replaced by the most corrupt individual in our political history. What hope can the republic have?
Speaking of the current traitor/pseudo-dictator… are any of the rest of you sick and tired of hearing reporters, even on Fox News, constantly express puzzlement with the president’s actions (or lack thereof) in regard to ISIS/ISIL the jihad and Muslim terrorism in general? All one need do is ask the obvious question – might he be supporting the other side? IMHO, the simple answer to this question makes everything suddenly fall into place. I suspect many in the media know this but are too terrified of the possible consequences to say so.
My generation, in particular, should hang our collective heads in shame over what we have allowed to happen. What were we thinking of? Oh, I remember… We were thinking of ourselves, our enjoyment, our possessions, with no thought left for the demands of continued liberty in a vibrant republic. We somehow thought it would all just go on forever with no effort required on our part. After all, was that not our birthright? Anyway, who actually cares what a bunch of rich old white guys did or said nearly 250 years ago. What possible significance could that have for us today?
We are already in the process of finding out, although the harder blows are yet to be felt.
Troy L Robinson
Hail To The Liar-in-Chief
If we are lucky enough for the Obamanation to actually leave office at the end of his current term, the Lame-Stream-Media are determined to replace him with fellow pathological liar Hillary Clinton.
I listened to part of her lie fest yesterday and the reasons she gave for her illegal actions regarding her official email would have been comical if coming from someone less likely to become “leader†of the somewhat free world.
For instance, she used a single email account for both personal and official communications because she did not want to deal with multiple devices. As if a given computing device is tied to one, and only one, email account. Not even a clever lie.
She admits to deleting over 30,000 emails from her account. These included some unknown number concerning yoga routines. Is she insane enough to think anyone believes that this old hag with a butt the size of Texas does yoga? An even less clever lie.
She claims to have complied with the rules by turning over some 55,000 printed pages of emails. How transparent. Not only are all the routing signatures not available on printed copies, these emails cannot be processed by electronic means without re-digitizing them – something that will take weeks or months to accomplish with some unknown introduction of translation errors. This was indeed, clever. If your have something to hide.
Then there is the apparent gap in the emails around the time of the Benghazi fiasco. How convenient.
In a no doubt associated matter, there are those huge monetary contributions to the Clinton Foundation from foreign people and governments which have no business “buying†influence with a cabinet officer who may well become POTUS. But, what should we expect from the wife of an ex president who sold US military secrets to the Chinese. Have you seen photos of their stealth aircraft? Clearly built directly from US plans and specifications.
It is obvious that the Clintons are part of a ruling class in this nation who are above the law. Witness the crimes committed by Bill which, besides the treason with the Chinese, included confessed-to perjury, and probable multiple rapes.
Any nation whose people not only put up with such behavior but encourage it by electing and re-electing the perpetrators deserve the inevitable outcome.
Citizens of an honest nation would be taking to the streets to demand justice. Instead, we allow the criminals and traitors to become rich and treat them like celebrities.
Think about it.
Troy L Robinson
American Sniper
Saint J9 and I went to see this movie yesterday and really were impressed with the great job done by Clint Eastwood and the actors, especially Bradley Cooper.
For those who don’t know (or care), Chris Kyle lived, and was murdered, 40-50 miles from where we currently live, just as the trial of his killer is just starting up in the same area. Ergo, the interest in the movie is extraordinary in this area.
Indeed, we would have helped populate one of the nearby I35 overpasses to honor the funeral procession as it made its way from Arlington to Austin — except were prevented by a mandatory appointment that took us elsewhere, much to our regret. They say that every one of the overpasses was lined with people and they show some actual footage of the procession at the end of the film. I don’t know how many overpasses there are but the trip is over 150 miles. Once the procession approached the city of Austin, the sides of the highway were also lined by a continuous wall of people and this continued all the way to the Texas State Cemetery where Kyle in interred along with many other Texas heroes.
Makes one proud to be a Texan and an American to be reminded that we still produce such people.
Calling Things What They Are
Try as I might, I just cannot permanently stay quiet. Its like a pressure builds up in me such that I have to give it vent by speaking (or, in this case, writing) out. Sorry about that.
There is currently much yapping going on the media regarding the Obamanation’s refusal to use such terms as “radical Islam†in conjunction with the ongoing terrorist activities that are spreading like wildfire. The administration would evidently have us believe that a relatively few really bad guys commit these atrocities while falsely claiming to be Muslim, when, in fact, they have nothing whatever to do with the “religion of peaceâ€. A lie so blatant as to be funny, were the consequences not so grave.
Yet, this is not the misnaming I wish to highlight. Instead, I feel that someone MUST bring the obvious into the cold light of truth.
Allow me to begin by offering two definitions, both taken from Yahoo Dictionary:
1. One who betrays one’s country, a cause, especially one who commits treason. (emphasis added by me.)
1. The betrayal of allegiance toward one’s own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts. (emphasis added by me.)
2. The betrayal of someones trust or confidence.
You may rightly be wondering by now, what can this fool be leading up to? Simply this. Our president is, by the above definitions, a traitor and guilty of treason. Among other treasonous acts, he has:
1. Released high-ranking enemy commanders, knowing they will likely return to the fight against us. The most spectacular of these acts was the release of 5 top Taliban commanders from the prison at Guantanamo in exchange for a soldier who almost certainly deserted his unit during wartime operations – another obvious act of treason.
2. Withdrawn our victorious military from Iraq at a time, and in such a fashion, as to guarantee the collapse of the government there.
3. Promised to do the same in Afghanistan.
4. Done everything in his power to avoid meaningful attacks on ISIS/ISIL, despite their obvious barbarity and their promise to make direct war on the United States.
5. Done everything in his power to ensure Iran successfully develops and deploys nuclear weapons.
6. Essentially ignored the growing threat to world peace posed by the Russian dictator.
7. Trampled the Constitution he swore to protect and defend.
In the above list, item 1 alone constitutes treason because there is no way to explain how such an act fails to give aid and comfort to the enemy. In a word, it is sufficient for Congress to demand severe punishment. Please remember that treason is the only crime defined in our Constitution.
Why then is there no outcry from the media (including Fox)? Why then is there no outcry from the Congress? Why then is there no outcry from any power base? Simple again. The whole useless lot of them either share the Obamanation’s guilt -or- they are so afraid of him that they are hardly more use than a bowl of quivering Jello. Mostly because any attempt to spotlight his crimes, whether treasonous or Constitutional violations, will open them to the deadly charge of racism. Better that the world’s greatest Republic be absolutely destroyed than that one of these precious idiots be labeled racist!
And, do not expect anything to change because the Republicans are back in control of the entire Congress. The only thing we can really look forward to from that quarter is that social legislation, particularly as affects anti-abortion and “family values†will get a new shot of energy.
The high point of my life is that I was privileged to live in these United States during our finest days. The low point is that I may well live long enough to see it all destroyed.
Where are the patriots that once made this Republic great? Why don’t they step forward and offer themselves for election? A believable patriot that could inspire our people could win the coming presidential election in history’s greatest landslide. If only.
Instead, we can look forward to a battle between liars and losers with it making very little difference which one prevails.
Worse yet, when the final collapse begins, most of us will wail that we had no idea such things were happening.
This nation was designed to be self-governing. That is to say, a nation governed by the combined will of its citizens. If we, the “self-governors†refuse to educate ourselves, refuse inform ourselves, refuse to be meaningfully involved in the governance of our nation, the current mess we are in seems an inevitable outcome.
For the moment, most of us seem to be (literally) fat, dumb and happy. However, not much further down the current road will find us starving, dumb and enslaved. Notice that “dumb†is the constant in this equation.
Think about it.
Troy L Robinson
Entering The Danger Zone
NOTE: While reading this article, please remember that the writer is a registered and convinced Libertarian who has little use for, or confidence in, either of the major parties that currently dominate politics in the United States.
As of January, 2015 the United States will have a Congress of which both houses are controlled by the Republican Party. Meanwhile, for at least the next two years, the executive branch of our government remains under the control of the most radical administration in the history of our Republic. An administration that has publicly stated that our Constitution is a nuisance, that it interferes with their preferred method of governance.
During their six years in power, this administration has ignored and violated our Constitution in more ways than I have time to list here. (Yes, I know that prior administrations did this as well but never to the degree that is happening now.)
While the Democrats enjoyed total control (both houses of Congress and the Executive), they rammed through legislation – the best example being Obamacare – that the majority of the people did not want. In other words, they governed AGAINST the will of the people, thus nullifying one of the cornerstones of our Republic, government by the consent of the governed.
Once the Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives, Harry Reid and the Democrat-controlled Senate have pretty much jammed the gears of Congress, bringing most legislative activity to a halt while the Executive was left to govern pretty much by Executive Order (that is, by decree).
Now we are entering what I think will be one of the most dangerous (albeit one of the most interesting) situations that our Republic has ever encountered:
First, we face a couple of months of a “lame-duck†Senate. I fear the Executive will see this as its last chance to ram through any number of appointments that are not favored by (or are in the interest of) the people. Given the Democrat majority of this “lame-duck†Senate along with the rules changes recently made by Senator Reid, there is little or nothing the GOP can do in this situation other than complain.
Then comes January, 2015 when the GOP assumes control of the Senate. Given past relations between this administration and the GOP, there is no basis upon which to expect cooperation for the betterment of the Republic. Instead, we can expect the Obamanation to veto any attempt at meaningful legislation from the Congress while his inclination to rule by decree spins ever more out of control.
This puts the Congress in a classic “Catch 22†situation. They can:
Sit helplessly by and let Obama rule by decree, in the process becoming a defacto dictator, leading to who knows what once his constitutional term in office is up, OR,
Try to rein in Obama’s extra-constitutional activities. The only effective and constitutional way to do this is through articles of impeachment in the House followed by conviction in the Senate then removal from office. As I have opined previously in this space, I think this is exactly what Obama wants to happen. And, I think he wants this so much that there will be no limit to the outrages he will attempt over the next two years. After all, public opinion means nothing to him – however good a campaigner he may be, there is nothing left to campaign for.
It is no secret to those who are paying attention that Obama has been the most racist president in the history of our Republic. Can anyone seriously doubt that, at the first hint of impeachment, the administration will do all in its power to encourage a racial response? Our cities could soon be aflame. And, this will furnish what Obama has long sought – an excuse to declare martial law throughout the Republic. A republic that will cease to exist at that very moment. Thus Obama becomes a dictator in fact. Who can know what happens next? Do we meekly accept the dictatorship? Does the nation erupt into civil war? What will our uniformed forces do? So many questions with none of the probable answers good ones.
Of course, there is always the chance that the two major parties will simply call each other bad names and pronounce each other to be the scourge of the Earth until Obama’s term in office finally expires. While this may be the best we could wish for give the situation, what are the odds of this happening?
Like I said – a very dangerous and very interesting time for our Republic. I suspect we are about to discover what we are really made of. I can only hope that, once again, what is best about our nation comes to the fore.
Think about it.
Troy L Robinson
Here I Go Again – But Why?
As those of you who still bother to follow this blog well know, I was once one of the most active contributors. But, no more. Why? Is it because I have nothing more to say? Is it because there is nothing new to say? Is it because I am becoming too senile to express myself? Perhaps a little of these.
Mostly, I am pretty quiet these days because my level of disgust with my fellow citizens is becoming so great that I have trouble expressing myself in socially-acceptable language.
It is so very hard to sit by quietly while we literally fritter away the most prosperous, most individually free nation that the earth has ever known. And why? In the main because we have, as a people, become worthless. To the extent that it is increasingly hard to justify the space that we occupy and the resources we squander.
Does this seem a bit harsh? If you don’t bother to think, I’m sure it does. But, if you make just the slightest scratch upon the surface of our reality, it actually might seem a bit mild if not understated.
Just what am I talking about, some of you may be wondering by this point… what can have put this doddering old fool on such a rant? The answer is ever so simple – I simply pay attention to the world around me and actually try to process what I am seeing. And, what I see and understand disgusts me.
For instance, I regularly watch Bill O’Reilly on TV. At least weekly he has a segment called Watters’ World where a young reporter named Jesse Watters goes out and interviews “normal†individuals about the issues of the day. In almost all cases, the individuals in question are dumber than rocks. They don’t know anything! And worst yet, many of them are proud of their ignorance and laugh about it as well. So do most of the show’s audience.
Sorry but this sickens me. How can anyone find humor in the fact that so many of our people know nothing about our history, nothing about our government, nothing about our economy, nothing about world events… while these are the very people who are expected to go to the polls and select those who will lead us onto better paths. And we dare to wonder why so many sorry bums get elected and re-elected!
We are quickly approaching another election in which several national seats (for the Senate and the House) will be decided by voter fraud of various types (ballot box stuffing, illegal votes by the dead and by non-citizens, multiple votes, etc.). And there is NO national outcry! NO demand that those who won by fraud be made to give up their seats. NO demand that the guilty be sent off to prison. Indeed, our federal Justice Department actually fights against the few attempts at reform by some of the States!
Meanwhile, our president seems to be begging to be impeached through constant lying, blatant refusal to obey the constitution, the Congress or orders from the Courts, ruling by decree, making decision after decision that is harmful to the nation.
The conduct of foreign affairs is such that the administration – or, at least the president – might actually be convicted of high treason should our representatives and justices somehow magically develop some sense of honor, duty, loyalty and the backbone to assert them.
This last may seem especially harsh until one analyzes the totality of our foreign policy, especially as regards Islam and jihad. So many of the actions taken seem downright impossible to explain until one asks the simple question “what if they/he are/is on the other sideâ€. Then things suddenly make perfect sense in the most frightening way. Yet again, there is no outcry, Even FOX, which is, otherwise somewhat more critical of the administration than the rest of the media, seem blind to this obvious possibility. And, well they should be if they want to continue broadcasting.
(One may well wonder how I think I can get by with such observations? It is simply because nobody cares what I have to say and there may be more value in letting folks like me make apparent fools of ourselves.)
In summary, our society, in general, has become so corrupt, so greedy, so stupid, so lazy and so individually self-focused that our continued existence is somewhat amazing.
So, I rave on foolishly while far to many of my peers sit there (very) fat, (very) dumb and (somewhat) happy while our once-great nation slowly fades away. Thankfully, none of us will live to see what history has to say about our folly. I somehow doubt it will “do us proudâ€.
Think about it,
Troy L Robinson
Thinking About Political Partisanship
As our media constantly assure us, political partisanship in our nation becomes ever more extreme and, often, more viscous with each election campaign. One has only to watch a few political advertisements to realize that this is very true.
The question is why?
That same media supposedly has studied the issue and, although it can make some suggestions, usually somewhat misplaced, they seem not to understand the why of it. Despite all the half-baked guesses coming from the media, the issue of political partisanship seems to me to have a much simpler and more obvious answer than any other issue I have mused over in this space.
It is to me an obvious fact that the more valuable the “prize†in any contest, the harder the contestants will try to win that “prizeâ€. There can be no question that the “prize†in any political contest is power. Certainly, at the elementary level, the “prize†would seem to be the capture of a particular office or position. However, it is the power inherent in that office or position that establishes its value.
So, what has this to do with the extremity and viciousness of political partisanship? Simply this… the greater the size and scope of any level of government, the greater the power (value) of each of its offices and positions. As the power of a government grows, the power of its elements grow in kind, ergo, the value of these elements grows apace – or even exponentially.
This is easily seen in history in conjunction with absolute monarchies or dictatorships where murder and war are regular events involved in capturing one of these offices.
Simple conclusion: if we want less political partisanship and all the undesirable things that entails, we must significantly decrease the size and scope of the various levels of our government. If government were forced back into the bounds established by our Constitution, the primary attraction of public office would be public service rather than personal power and self aggrandizement.
Indeed, it is amazing just how many of our current woes could be reduced, if not eliminated, by that simple expedient. Yet we move in the opposite direction.
Why? Because too many of us are simply ignorant fools. An that ignorance is by our own choice.
Oh – as to why the media seem unable to grasp the simple truth that ever bigger government is ever worse government? Simple. They like big government (ignorant fools again).
Think about it.
Troy L Robinson
ISIS/ISIL Strategy
Against my better judgment, I watched the Obamanation’s prime-time performance a few evenings ago. It is not that I am uninterested in the ISIS situation – rather that I don’t care to listen to the words of a consistent/consummate liar. Historically, there is little or no relationship between what the Obamanation says and what he does (or, more likely, what he doesn’t do).
For sure, some of what he said last evening sounded good on the surface, but then, so did “If you like your current insurance, you can keep it. Period. If you like your current doctor, you can keep him. Period.†Most people today would say to that, incorrectly, “the proof is in the puddingâ€. I say, more correctly, “the proof of the pudding is in the eatingâ€. In any event, it is the actions (or in-actions) to come that matter, not the scripted words intended solely for domestic political consumption.
As to the ISIS situation itself, I find it not nearly as simple as some try to make it. For a number of reasons:
First, our history in Iraq has been a series of bumbles, starting with the most recent invasion (under George W Bush), the removal of Saddam, the failure to insist on an impartial government there, the failure to leave a residual force sufficient to keep order. Why then would we now expect the same bumbling government that made the past bumbles to suddenly become proficient in this matter?
Second, there is NO good guy in this fight, possibly excepting the Kurds. This means that, Kurds excepted, no matter which group we help in Iraq or Syria, we are backing bad guys and will regret it before it is all over. I am especially wary of sending arms (to any but the Kurds) for fear they will be used against us – as ISIS is doing as I write this – as the Taliban does in Afghanistan.
Third, we have NO true allies in the Middle East. NONE! For sure, a few of them, primarily Israel, will take whatever we offer (and then demand even more) but there are none who will rush to our aid when we are in trouble, as a true ally would do. Indeed, it strikes me as absurd that the United States, which is drowning in debt, should be expected to borrow even more to protect nations that are so wealthy that they have trouble figuring out how to spend it all (for example, building palatial hotel complexes and palm tree-shaped islands for palatial mansions).
Fourth, ISIS has NOT mounted an attack on the US homeland and there is little evidence, other that loud-mouthed boasting, that they have any such capacity. For sure, the brutal murders of the American journalists was provocative and maddening for us all but we must remember that the victims here did knowingly place themselves in harm’s way. That surely does not justify what happened to them but their murders do not constitute a direct attack on the United States.
Fifth, no strategy yet proposed does anything to contain or destroy the main enemy of the US – that being the Islamic State of Iran. So long as they are permitted to start trouble wherever and whenever they wish, the terrorism will continue. As well, we have no strategy for handling our “false allies†in the region (such as Saudi Arabia which is an active sponsor of radical Islam).
Sixth, the Obamanation tells us that the terrorists do not represent are not “real†Islam. Are we then to believe they are Buddhists, Methodists or such? Of course they represent “real†Islam and their actions are directly called for in the Koran. Any so called “strategy’ that is based on such unreality is flawed in its very conception.
So, here we are caught between Iraq and a hard place. What are we to do? I am by no means sure because the conflict in question has been going on for over 1,000 years – during which time, Islam has grown by leaps and bounds. I can, however, offer what to me seems a logical approach, obviously subject to adjustment as things become clearer:
First, give assistance to the Kurds, second remove all Americans (and other Westerners?) from the area and then sit by and watch. Since this is primarily Muslims killing Muslims, seems to me we gain either way it goes.
Eventually, ISIS will try to make some attack on the U.S. homeland. Once that occurs, invade Iraq and Syria with overwhelming force and occupy the region long term, with no pretense of any self-government on the part of the losers. Then we drill and pump as fast and as much oil and gas as is physically possible. Much of this oil and gas should then be sold to Eastern and Central Europe at rates that undercut the Russians. This should free the receiving nations from energy blackmail on the part of the Russians while, at the same time, devastating the Russian economy – probably harming that of Iran as well. At such time as the conquered lands have been pumped dry, then give it back to the original owners with our compliments.
In the meantime, stop choosing sides and giving aid in the Middle East (Kurds excepted) and force them to work things out for themselves, recognizing that the likes of Saddam may be required to govern peoples who are still tribal as well as brutal in their behavior. These people will adopt Western European culture and governmental styles if and when THEY are ready – which may well be NEVER. We must accept that and quit trying to remake them in our own image.
In closing, I offer an idea that I am by no means able to support with anything other than a hunch: Might it be that the reason an ISIS “strategy†was so long in coming was that the Obamanation needed time to coordinate with his Islamic allies to find a course that would allow him to play “tough guy†here at home while doing little or nothing to truly cripple the Islamic movement? (A movement that encompasses far more than the Middle East and includes much of Southeast Asia, most of North and Central Africa, parts of Southeast Europe, most of Asia Minor, etc.)
Think about it.
P.S. Sorry this is a bit late but I had to rebuild my computer before I could post it.
Troy L Robinson
Disengaged, Incompetent or Provocateur?
As should be clear to anyone paying even the slightest attention, our “reigning†president’s behavior seems to become ever more bizarre, irresponsible, unconstitutional, and detrimental to the nation, possibly to the entire world. Of course, there are various attempts in the media and in political circles to explain this behavior.
Among the explanations frequently offered, we hear that Obama is disengaged, that he is incompetent, that he is bored (being the head of the greatest nation in history is SO beneath his capabilities as the story goes), etc., ad nauseam.
Any and/or all of these may be true, at least so some extent. However, I sincerely doubt that they actually explain the motivation for Obama’s behavior.
On the one hand, I ask you to think back over all the cruel and ugly stereotypes blacks, especially black males, have had to endure in our nation– that they are lazy, shiftless, dishonest, unreliable and, worst of all, prone to operate outside established law. Now, consider Obama’s behavior in office. At various times, he seems to have gone out of his way to act in accordance with every one of these stereotypes. Why?
Add to this his continuing attempts to grab power that is constitutionally allotted to the other 2 branches of government. Why?
Then, not only does he grab power that rightly belongs to Congress, he goes out of his way to ridicule and humiliate members of Congress in the process. Why?
Obama seems never to pass up an opportunity to encourage political and ethnic disharmony among the people he presumes to lead. Why?
As we approach a mid-term election in which pollsters predict the opposition party will take control of the Senate, while keeping control of the House of Representatives, his behavior seems to become even more bizarre. Why?
Allow me to offer a possible answer to all these “Whysâ€. I suspect Obama and his cohorts are intentionally trying to provoke the American people into demanding action against him by the Congress – probably in the form of impeachment.
It is obvious that, so long as Harry Reid and the Democrats are able to control the Senate, no impeachment charge could possibly achieve a conviction, ergo the GOP leadership in the House know better than to embarrass themselves by trying. But, in early 2015, with GOP control of the entire Congress and with an increasing number of voters demanding that something be done, the GOP may well feel themselves compelled to risk an impeachment.
IMHO, that is exactly what Obama and company are hoping for. Why? This time the answer is very simple. Any serious attempt to remove Obama from office would almost assuredly trigger massive riots in most or our major cities. This, in turn, would present that long sought-after condition for a declaration of martial law nationwide. Once said declaration is in effect, we will have become a dictatorship, plain and simple. Most probably, some manner of civil war would soon follow – a civil war in which freedom-loving Americans would stand little chance of prevailing.
No doubt some of you who have agreed, to whatever extent, with my analysis so far will dispute this last assessment. My response is that your should never underestimate the corrupting power of the promise of power and wealth, even when that promise is actually false.
The only other possible outcome of ongoing events is that the Congress and the Courts simply continue to allow Obama’s power to grow, unchecked. In this case, he becomes dictator by default. Same outcome as above, only without the riots and the martial law.
You may further note that this analysis contains no suggestion of a response on our part. This is because I consider the situation too far gone for any effective action.
Consider that, despite several years of Obama acting as a pseudo dictator, with most of our international respect gone, with much of our military might intentionally forfeited, with our economy in shambles, nearly half of our citizens still approve of Obama’s job performance.
Can you spell “hopeless�
Think about it.
Troy L Robinson
The Ferguson Paradox
Like most Americans, I get a daily dose of updates from the front lines in Ferguson, MO. Being me, I can’t help but offer a few comments of my own…
To begin with, let me clearly say that I have no idea what actually transpired between the dead youth and the police officer – and, I suspect we will never know for sure because most of the “witnesses†seem to have viewed the incident through lens distorted by their own personal prejudices, these slanting in all directions.
Next, I highly suspect that officer Wilson will see his reputation, if not his freedom, sacrificed in the name of Political Correctness and “community relationsâ€, just as happened several years ago in the Rodney King case. I cite the King case based on my personal opinion that the opinion of the public (and the original jury that refused to convict the police) was very different based on whether they viewed the entire video tape of the incident or the carefully edited version shown by the major media. The point being that “evidence†can be manipulated to cause differing responses from those considering said evidence.
My next point concerns the notion that an “unarmed youth†was shot multiple times by an armed police officer. I contend that a 300+ pound 18 year-old human body, used in anger, can be a quite formidable weapon, particularly when launched against an older human of about ½ the body mass of the perpetrator.
Then there is the major paradox in the case: This involves the claim, probably often true, that many police are very prone to be especially suspicious of the criminal tenancies of young black males. Now, one can reasonably respond that crime statistics support this apparent attitude on the part of the police. One can also reasonably counter that, if police apprehend young black males in excess, that in itself will tend to generate those very statistics. But that is not the paradox. Instead it is this – in far too many cases like Ferguson, too many members of the black community “protest†their alleged over-criminalization by committing repeated criminal acts – looting, rioting, attacking police and innocent civilians – usually in public and often on camera. Can they not realize that such open and obvious behavior is seen by many fair-minded people as justifying the attitudes and actions of the police?
A second paradox is the climate of fear, caused by black outrage, encouraged by “professional racists like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, discourage the open and honest exchange of thoughts and feelings necessary to sort through and, hopefully, resolve this continuing national tragedy. This is (to me at least) especially distressing at a time when a number of the most powerful political offices, most distinguished scholastic positions, and most lucrative entertainment positions are held by members of the black community.
As I have opined multiple times in this space, the genetic differences between the ethnic groups in this nation are superficial to the degree of being meaningless, consisting almost entirely of environmental adaptations that will one day disappear. The meaningful differences are all cultural. While it may well be slowly changing (for the worse), the most successful cultural model in this nation is derived from that of Western Europe. That culture embodies such notions as education, ambition, perseverance, supportive/protective family units, honesty, integrity. Historically, members of all ethnic groups who embrace this culture succeed, to the extent that they usually achieve whatever they desire in their lives. Sadly, far too many members of the black community, especially in our inner cities, embrace an artificial, dysfunctional culture that knowingly rejects those cultural attributes that reliably lead to success. Sadder still, this phenomenon is encouraged by various political groups who profit from a downtrodden, dependent black community. Saddest of all, the worst offenders in this viscous process are themselves members of the black community. The power to change this lies totally in the hands of the blacks themselves – if they would only realize it.
Think about it.
Troy L Robinson
The Dog Ate My E-Mail (And Other Lies)
Quite a while ago, I wrote that one way to tell that we are near the end of our freedom (i.e. that our government has become tyrannical) is when those in charge no longer even attempt to explain their actions.
I believe this is the case with the current IRS debacle. Everyone involved knows that nobody actually believes the lies put up concerning e-mails and such. Offering a childish and insulting explanation is simply their way of saying “F Youâ€. And, there is actually nothing we can do about it.
Why the GOP nuts keep calling the same people before committees, asking the same questions over and over and getting the same “F You†response over and over is something I truly do not understand. Can’t they understand how useless it makes them look? Oh, right! If they get really mad about it, they will turn the offending witness over to Eric Holder! That will teach them.
Much is said (mostly on FOX) about the incompetence of the Obamanation administration. I disagree. They are doing exactly what the Obamanation promised to do (in his books) long before taking office. He intended to punish the United States and, I say, he is doing a damn fine job of it. IMHO, he (and his cohorts) should be tried for high treason.
Think about it.
Troy L Robinson
Dead Broke
Just how stupid do the progressives think we “ordinary†citizens are? Consider a recent statement by Queen-in-waiting Hillary Rotten Clinton that she and Bill are “Dead Brokeâ€.
In my limited little world, “dead broke†means no money whatever and no prospects for improvement.
In Hillary’s world, “dead Broke†means down to their last $200,000,000 with Bill’s miserable pension of $200,000 per year (plus certain expenses paid – like for his office, security, etc., etc.), supplemented by outrageous lecture fees and book deals.
Now, it is possible that this statement was meant to be some bizarre form of humor – but, I doubt it. She does not seem (to me) to be that clever plus she has, heretofore, shown no sense of humor (or of anything else save self aggrandizement).
Nope. I suspect that, like others of her kind, she has actually started to believe her own BS.
BTW, by referring to the possible election of Hillary Rotten Clinton, I obviously am backing away from previous predictions that the Obamanation might choose to remain in power as a sort of dictator. He very well may still want this but it looks (to me) as if his “sponsors†may be growing tired of him and his incessant bungling of even the simplest task. Perhaps Putin has replaced Obama as the darling of the one world’ers?
To be totally honest, I don’t know what the heck is really going on or why. My best guess is that we have become so corrupt – the people as well as their governments and their huge corporations – that we will simply rot away. From that perspective, perhaps Hillary Rotten Clinton is a perfect choice to lead us into the ultimate decay.
Think about it (if you can without throwing up).
Troy L Robinson
Let’s Make A Deal
Seems America just can’t speculate too much regarding Bowe Bergdahl… Was he mistreated by the Taliban or was he their buddy? Did he convert to Islam or did he perhaps try to spread the doctrine of some other faith among them? Was he on the soccer team or in a metal cage? Etc., etc.
I find that I really don’t care. I further find that trying to invoke sympathy for this person is rather like feeling sorry for a robber who injures himself while breaking into your home.
The apparent fact, if we are to believe virtually all of those who were present when it happened, Bergdahl willingly left his military posting, in a war zone and while hostilities were ongoing. Whatever happened next, I find totally beside the point. The offense charged is a capital offense under military law and, if proven true, should be promptly invoked.
If there is any other rational explanation for this person’s actions, I sure wish that someone (outside the Obama administration) would explain it to the rest of us in terms that are credible.
Irrespective of whatever Bergdahl may or may not have done, is there any possible justification for sending 5 known terrorists out to commit further atrocities? Indeed, is it too much to ask why these people were not long since tried and executed for crimes against humanity rather than being kept in style in a tropical retreat?
(As an aside, has it occurred to any of you that, had the veterans who died while awaiting treatment at various VA facilities instead been sent to Guantanamo, they would have gotten superb health care in a well managed facility rather than being left to die?)
On a related but broader topic, is it just me or is the Obamanation symbolically giving America the middle finger salute in virtually all of his recent actions? He seems, clearly to be saying to us all, and particularly to the Congress, “I will do whatever I please and there is not a damn thing you can do about it!â€
Please excuse me if this sounds racist (it is not meant to be) but if the current president were a Caucasian male, acting in the same manner, he would long since have been impeached. Is the state of race relations in this nation at that point where the nation as a whole must suffer endless abuse of office on the part of the president simply because calling him to account might seem racist? I can’t help but think that the only ones of our citizens who would say “yes†are, in fact, themselves motivated by racism.
Will this abuse never end or must our nation itself end instead?
Think about it.
Troy L Robinson
Put Up and/or Shut Up
As we all know, terrorists in Nigeria have kidnapped nearly 300 school girls. Predictably, every bleeding heart liberal in the country, including most of Hollywood, are crying crocodile tears and waving signs advertizing a “hash tagâ€.
Now there is no doubt that this kidnapping was and still is a terrible thing. The perpetrators are of the worst sort of terrorists (despite what Hillary said and did not do) and I support any REAL effort to:
1. Rescue/recover the victims, and,
2. Kill as many of the terrorists as possible, preferably all of them (along with most of their friends and supporters as well).
Having said that, I fail to see or understand how responding to a “hash tag†can have any real effect. Are we to presume that the terrorists are monitoring social media and that their intent will be changed if only the right personalities make a convincing statement thereon? We all know better!
But, think of other possibilities… Most of the luminaries I have seen on news reports, with their anguished looks and their “hash tag†signs are among the wealthiest/highest paid people in the country. If memory serves, when the bad guys first pulled off this cowardly stunt, they proclaimed their intent to SELL the kidnapped girls. As I understand it, they proposed selling them into sexual slavery but I doubt they really care what happens to the girls if the selling price is right.
Therefore, the obvious answer… Let all these overpaid bleeding hearts offer some small portion of their personal wealth to buy as many of the girls as possible. After they have bought them, it should be a simple matter to return them to their rightful homes. Imagine, “stars†(both entertainment and political types, assuming there is really a difference) actually doing something positive rather than publicly bemoaning problems that they fully expect others to fix.
So, I hereby challenge every “star†who has publicly shown anguish and/or “hash tag†sign to put up (the money to buy the girl’s freedom) or shut up their phoney mouths!
Troy L Robinson
A State Of Deception
In addition to the constant stream of allegations I see on the television, a number of recent personal incidents have convinced me, beyond doubt, that we live in a culture that is mired in deception. (Much of it self-deception but that is another article.)
As a for-instance, just last week, I and one of my daughters, got a letter from a law firm, addressed to “The Family of Xxxxxxx Robinsonâ€, Xxxxxxx being a substitute for the name of my ex wife, and the mother of the daughter in question. The letter went on to explain that Xxxxxxx had been killed in a collision caused by a commercial vehicle; to deeply sympathize with our loss; then went to offer to represent us in the case.
Needless to say, both my daughter and I were at first shocked (having heard nothing of the sort), then we were totally disgusted when we figured that these unethical ambulance chasers had done sloppy research and had contacted members of the wrong family. However, when I called the law firm to complain, not only did they fail to offer any sort of apology, they went on to defend this method of “shotgun relative identification†as a totally ethical business practice. Can they really believe I would use or recommend their firm were such to occur in reality?
I will offer only this one example but I am certain anyone reading this can offer hundreds if not thousands of their own examples – whether driven by evil intent, unethical and uncontrolled greed, sloppy business practices or simple lack of concern for the feelings and well being of their fellow humans.
Our political “leadersâ€, of both parties, regularly stand before us and make statements that they know to be deceptive – and, often, outright lies. And they know that most of us, excepting only the most poorly informed, know that we are being methodically deceived. Why don’t these politicians care?
Otherwise presumably honest product manufacturers make deceptive claims on product labels – my favorite being the manipulation of “serving size†and mathematical rounding such that they can claim that foods containing fat are “fat freeâ€, that foods containing sugar are “sugar freeâ€. Most of us know better. Why don’t these manufacturers care?
Everyday citizens loudly proclaim beliefs, affiliations and accomplishments that they do not have simply to gain some phoney sense of respect from others. Why don’t we care?
Why do so many of us continue to do this, even when there is no high office or increased sales at risk? In other words, why do we feel the need to deceive, even when there is no logical need for it?
I fear the answers are that deception so pervades our culture that it now seems normal. If so, what a tragedy for us all!
Are we that unsure or uncomfortable with what we think of ourselves – or with what we perceive others think of us? In addition, can’t we realize that most of the deception we practice is easily seen through by the very people we seek to persuade?
Why can’t we open our eyes, and our minds, and see the extent to which this cheapens our institutions, our culture, and, of course, our individual selves?
For your own sakes, can’t we each simply be what we are? If any of us are truly not satisfied with who and what we are, then improve! If you are satisfied with who and what you are, how can it matter what others think?
Did it ever occur to you that you might well garner more respect and admiration by openly and un-apologetically being who and what you are rather that constantly practicing this transparent deception that all but the block heads see through like glass?
Part of my conclusion is that this is part and parcel of a national attempt to evade reality. And, I will venture to speculate that this goes a long way toward explaining such things as recent mass killings, especially those involving innocent children. When one has rejected the real world, what can it matter what one does in the world of unreality?
Can it be that we simply cannot face the real world that WE have created? I refer, of course, to a real world where values have no value, where our once noble government has become a tyrant, where levels of national indebtedness surpass our comprehension, and where, seemingly, nobody can be trusted?
Think about it!
Troy L Robinson
Helping The Poor
I am having blog-withdrawal problems and must contribute something – however, continuing to point out the myriad wrongdoings of the Obamanation and his administration is boring and repetitive. Add to that the fact that I have lost nearly all passion for things political and I am left with the nearly overwhelming need to say something despite having nothing very inteeresting to say.
Then, voila, last evening I found a subject – although nothing really earth shaking. Congressman Paul Ryan was commenting that after several decades and trillions of dollars spent, US government programs to help those in poverty had not worked. (Imagine that!)
Finally, something to dispute, and from a conservative mouth to boot!
Read the rest of this entry »
Slow Times At The Old Blog Game
Things sure have been slow around here. I know that I have not been holding up my end of things, mostly because there really is not much new to say RE our national condition. I just sit back and watch too many of the things I predicted come to pass with the honest hope that it stops short of my worst prediction (a full-fledged dictatorship).
It is still too early to guess whether the Obamanation will peacefully leave office at the end of his elected term. I suppose that much depends on the prospects for his successor. If the Obamanation’s masters can confidently predict that Hillary will be the next president, then they will no doubt let that happen, knowing that their power will continue undiminished. Should the GOP get its head out of — uh, wherever it usually keeps its head, then who knows what our true masters might then decide. However, such seems very unlikely. Just look at the speed with which assumed GOP front-runner, Krispy-Creame Chistie was reduced to almost-ran status.
Meanwhile, we are off this coming weekend for the next Reason Foundation cruise. Perhaps I will find sufficient inspiration there to write something new. I have been reading and thinking a lot about the effect of fundamentalist religion on our nation and on many of the bizarre happenings therein but have not seen fit to write about it because previous articles on this subject were not well received. While I don’t mind causing minor upset if it makes my readers think, I am not looking to get on any more enemies lists.
Dave, where are you? Have you abandoned this blog for greener pastures? (Or at least, for blogs with more activity?)