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Tribal Narratives
Furthering my jihad against all forms of collectivism, including careless use of collective pronouns, a TED talk offers some profound food for thought regarding origin myths and tribal narratives:
We all have origin stories and identity myths, our tribal narratives that give us a sense of security and belonging. But sometimes our small-group identities can keep us from connecting with humanity as a whole — and even keep us from seeing others as human. In a powerful talk about how we understand who we are, Chetan Bhatt challenges us to think creatively about each other and our future. As he puts it: it’s time to change the question from “Where are you from?” to “Where are you going?”
Be yourself. I am. All that is necessary is to stop caring a whit what other people might think of the authentic you. 😉 Â â—„Daveâ–º
The Big Lie
What would happen if all the useful idiot SJW sheeple, rioting across America under the banner of “Antifa,” watched this while actually sober?
These college indoctrinated fools couldn’t have read Jonah Goldberg’s ten-year-old book “Liberal Fascism,” which explained this subject well. Better yet was John Taylor Gatto’s earlier book “The Underground History of American Education: A Schoolteacher’s Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling,” which not only covered extensively the subject of the collectivist nature of fascism; but explained how we have all been deliberately dumbed down by the Progressives (link points to free PDF of this remarkable tome – probably the most important book I have ever read!).
Alas, red pills are generally unappetizing for anyone under 30 or even 40, so they are unlikely to read Dinesh D’Souza’s “The Big Lie” either. I suppose I should; but I already know the subject all too well, and am of the ineluctable opinion that it is far too late to do anything about it. â—„Daveâ–º
West Wing Woo-Woo
Oh, good grief! I have been immensely entertained by all of the palace intrigue of late, and had been looking forward to more shenanigans as Trump moves to repopulate the White House with only loyal members of the “Let Trump be Trump” club…
** Whoa! See what I mean? Right in the middle of writing this, my Apple Watch just tapped me on the wrist to alert me that Kelly just took out Scaramucci! I can’t wait to get the buzz on that one! **
…but back to the woo-woo. This is all great fun; but a red headline on Drudge this morning had already spoiled my day:
Spiritual Awakening Underway at White House; Bible Studies Taking Place…
WASHINGTON – A spiritual awakening is underway at the White House.
Some of the most powerful people in America have been gathering weekly to learn more about God’s Word, and this Trump Cabinet Bible study is making history.
They’ve been called the most evangelical Cabinet in history – men and women who don’t mince words when it comes to where they stand on God and the Bible.
Ralph Drollinger of Capitol Ministries told CBN News, “These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture.”
They’re all hand-picked by President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
“I don’t think Donald Trump has figured out that he chained himself to the Apostle Paul,” Drollinger laughed.
That may amuse the Piously Correct Rev. Drollinger; but it strikes me as far more dangerous than the Mooch’s revelations about Priebus’ mental state, or Bannon’s yoga feats. 😉
Health Secretary Tom Price, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Education Secretary Betsy Devos, Agriculture Secretary Sunny Perdue, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo are just a few of the regulars.
“It’s the best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life. They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned,” Drollinger said.
It’s groundbreaking since he doesn’t think a formal Bible study among executive Cabinet members has been done in at least 100 years.
America’s top cop, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, also attends the study.
If these politicians need a guru, I recommend George Carlin:
…he had this BS figured out long ago. 😀 â—„Daveâ–º
A Reasonable Democrat
I totally agreed with this outspoken and principled lady:
I have always been somewhat impressed with her, and having the courage to face Tucker just took it up a notch. Then, Tucker gets an attaboy for not even trying to flay her.
All of the Republican Trump sycophants praising his attack need to wake up, and Read the rest of this entry »
Utterly Absurd
Funny? Extremely. Disrespectful? Perhaps. Racist? Absurd. 😆 â—„Daveâ–º
Cultural Suicide
Isn’t it only a matter of time before this mindless cultural suicide begins in America? Read the rest of this entry »
Even Deeper Reflections
My frustrated comment to the previous post by Troy, caused him to reply with a thoughtful comment, regarding my increasingly serious flirtations with anarchy. My efforts to compose an equally thoughtful rejoinder, outgrew that somewhat off-topic comment section, so here it is as a new post specifically addressing my perspective on the subject of anarchy.
One of us is surely mistaken.
Perhaps we both are at this juncture, Troy, and now just living with very different illusory movies running in our heads, which we mistake for reality. Thanks for the thoughtful reply.
some government is needed
As you well know, I spent the first 70 years of my life convinced of exactly that; but that in no way obligates me to be submissive to any so-called authority, or support the tyranny into which the Federal government has devolved. Madison particularly despised the concept of democracy. How then, did we end up with mob rule? Why is it so readily accepted by the sheeple?
Can we agree that mankind deserves at least the level of individual Liberty he and his contemporaries enjoyed? Would you not also agree that the odds now of retrieving that worthy goal, through any nonviolent political process, are essentially nil? Must we abandon it entirely then, perhaps out of some errant sense of patriotism, or is another violent revolution inevitable?
At a quick glance, anarchy may seem to have a lot to recommend it. But, upon deeper reflection, it soon becomes apparent (to most of us) that anarchy provides a sure and consistent path to some manner of “strong man ruleâ€.
Troy, you have had a front row seat to my slow, cautious, careful, and deliberate investigations into the philosophical underpinnings of anarchical thought. This was in no way a causal “quick glance,” and I can assure you that after reading several books, numerous scholarly essays, and countless articles on the subject, I have given it considerable ‘deep reflection.’ Interestingly, the notion that it would inevitably result in “strong man rule,” is still not at all apparent to me. With all due respect, from my perspective, reaching such a conclusion appears to be the result of distinctly shallower thought than I have invested in the subject.
As for strong man rulers, try to convince me that the average citizen Read the rest of this entry »
Where’s the Book?
Hey, Troy! I just had occasion to reread the 5-year-old post here, entitled: “Fairies, Witches, Fords, and Chevys .” In the amusing comment section, you mentioned you had just finished writing an interesting book, which was only awaiting final editing before publication. I never received the promised copy of it. Whatever happened to it? ◄Daveâ–º
LOL !!!
This perfectly encapsulates what currently passes as enlightened political thought in this terminally insane society. 🙄 â—„Daveâ–º
Learning To Hate
So am I, Stef… so are we. Let the Marxist fools on the Left have their goddamned hate-filled cities. DC is 2.4K miles from here. So is El Salvador. Read the rest of this entry »
Disrupt J20
James O’Keefe has done it again:
I have absolutely nothing in common with these foul characters, and refuse to consider them as my countrymen. Obviously, they would have similar disregard for anyone who thinks like me. Read the rest of this entry »
Shut Up & Entertain
It is hard to believe that it has been 13 years since Laura Ingrahamm penned her best seller, “Shut Up & Sing” after the Dixie Chick flap. That was what came immediately to mind when the following “Letter to Hollywood” popped into my inbox this morning:
Dear Hollywood,
It’s time to wake up now. Get this! The only reason you exist is for my entertainment.
Some of you are beautiful. Some of you can deliver a line with such conviction that you bring tears to my eyes. Some of you are so convincing that you scare the crap out of me. And others are so funny you can make me laugh uncontrollably.
But you all have one thing in common. You only exist and have a place in my world to entertain me. That’s it. Nothing else!
You make your living pretending to be someone else. You play dress-up like a 5-year-old. Your world is a make believe world. It is not real. It doesn’t exist. You live for the camera while the rest of us live in the real world. Your entire existence depends on my patronage. I crank the organ and you dance. Therefore, I don’t care where you stand on issues.
The organ grinder metaphor was priceless! 😉 Read the rest of this entry »
Cosmic Clouds
Here we go again. After watching the Electric Universe clip in my last post, try this one:
Do you think there might be a correlation between them? Think about the various electromagnetic fields involved in deflecting cosmic rays. Read the rest of this entry »
Electric Universe
A decade ago, in my About page, I made the following statement:
I have spent sixty years trying to respect the wisdom of my elders, and now that I find it increasingly difficult to find one, I reckon it is my turn to pass along to posterity whatever wisdom I have garnered. Youngsters always think they already know it all; I did too at their age. The older I get however, the more I realize how little I actually know, how many earlier beliefs turned out false, and how few people can tell the difference.
Now in my 70s, I am still having my mind blown by how wrong my science teachers often were. If the incongruities of cosmology and physics have ever puzzled you the way they have me, you might find the following lecture rather fascinating:
Since electricity and electromagnetism has been a central theme in much of my life, I find this profound and at least as plausible as other theories. Read the rest of this entry »
I Miss Hitch
Here is a good compilation, worth pondering:
Harris is brilliant; but so was Hitchens, and I always appreciated his attitude. 😀 â—„Daveâ–º
Sheeple Farming
This is very well done:
What would happen if everyone understood this? What would you do if you came to believe you didn’t need and/or want rulers controlling your life anymore? Read the rest of this entry »
More Wolf Cries
I am loving the rare brave journalists, who are speaking up to call out their profession. This one even made Drudge. Kyle Smith is brutal in the New York Post: “Keep crying wolf about Trump, and no one will listen when there’s a real crisis.”
It’s contrary to the laws of nature for a tabloid writer to tell the gentry media not to go berserk. It’s like a cat telling his owner to stop coughing up hairballs or Iron Man asking Captain America to be less arrogant. Here at The Post, our mission statement does not include understatement. We provide journalistic Red Bull, not Sominex.
Nevertheless, a word of neighborly advice to our more genteel media friends, the ones who sit at the high table in their pristine white dinner jackets and ball gowns. You’ve been barfing all over yourselves for a week and a half, and it’s revolting to watch.
For your own sake, and that of the republic for which you allegedly work, wipe off your chins and regain your composure. I didn’t vote for him either, but Trump won. Pull yourselves together and deal with it, if you ever want to be taken seriously again.
What kind of president will Trump be? It’s a tad too early to say, isn’t it? The media are supposed to tell us what happened, not speculate on the future. But its incessant scaremongering, the utter lack of proportionality and the shameless use of double standards are an embarrassment, one that is demeaning the value of the institution. The press’ frantic need to keep the outrage meter dialed up to 11 at all times creates the risk that a desensitized populace will simply shrug off any genuine White House scandals that may lie in the future (or may not).  [Emphasis mine]
…and he is just getting wound up. 😀 Read the rest of this entry »
Relax About Bannon
Five Years Ago:
Color me impressed. This is the Left’s “racist monster?” Who could watch this and believe that? One thing he damn sure isn’t is a sexist! He is the guy who made Sarah Palin’s film, praises the women leading the T-Party, and his daughter is a West Point graduate. Read the rest of this entry »