PostHeaderIcon Literary Hoax

I have mentioned his research before, but in response to the recent flap over one of Oprah’s memoir endorsements, Jack Cashill has updated his bill of particulars that rather convincingly point to Bill Ayers as Barack Obama’s ghost writer, in a piece entitled, “Bigger frauds to fry than Rosenblat“:

These same media, however, have turned a blind eye to much more significant literary hoaxes. These include Alex Haley’s counterfeit “Roots,” Rigoberta Menchu’s Nobel Prize-winning fraud, “I Rigoberta,” Margaret Mead’s fanciful “Coming of Age in Samoa,” and leftist superstar Edward Said’s repeated claims of being a Palestinian refugee.

I could cite a score more, but let me focus on one Oprah-endorsed memoir that neither the New Republic nor the Times has shown the least interest in investigating, Barack Obama’s 1995 best-seller, “Dreams From My Father.”

“Dreams” may prove to be the most consequential literary hoax of our time, but unlike Roseblat’s or Frey’s, Obama’s memoir has enormous political value.

To make it easy on the hard-working reporters of these and other publications, should they choose to honor their profession, let me summarize what this amateur sleuth has learned to date.

What follows are 24 individual points that make a very compelling case. Assuming the data to be accurate, it is almost impossible to read them all without coming to the same conclusion he does. It stretches credulity that no reporter has ever bothered to ask Obama who helped him write it, and the public is allowed to think it was his own work, and a literary masterpiece that illustrates his possession of a brilliant mind.

Are they that desperate to avoid catching him in an obvious lie? They sure were quick to label Bush a liar just for repeating faulty intelligence data. This is just one more example of why we cannot trust anything to be what it appears anymore, and why the MSM has become utterly useless. â—„Daveâ–º

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