The Plot Unfolds
I first saw this a few days ago:
I found it interesting; but since Jack Cashill had already convinced me that Obama’s “Dreams of My Father” was a literary hoax, long before publishing his definitive book on the subject, Chuck Johnson’s project to actually forensically prove it, didn’t particularly excite me.
Wait… not so fast:
Does the left side of this picture look familiar? I had wondered where Malik Obama got his hat:
You’ve seen the photo.
It was the cover of the New York Post, Drudge link, a trending topic on Twitter, and, of course, tweeted about by Donald Trump.
Wow, President Obama’s brother, Malik, just announced that he is voting for me. Was probably treated badly by president-like everybody else!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2016
It’s been picked up by nearly every major network and newspaper too.
And yes, we did give him his Trump hat!
This brash kid from Modesto sure gets around! And, it seems he has much more in store for us:
Stay tuned because there’s a lot more to come including a video interview with another major outlet!
We could have stopped Barack Obama if had been running the GOP’s opposition research program.
Now with months left we’re going to stop Hillary Clinton with the most explosive stories of the campaign.
Over the next few months we are going to be exposing the real Barack Obama while we stop his third term through Hillary Clinton.
It was something I promised Andrew Breitbart years ago and I intend to keep it.
You will soon know the truth about the real Obama. Yes it’s come too late but better late than never.
OK, perhaps it is time to anticipate a bit of excitement… At the very least, I will certainly be staying tuned. 😉 â—„Daveâ–º
This Johnson kid is very entertaining and creative. He is also chumming around with some other young millennials that are equally entertaining and creative.
One of those chums appears to be Milo Yiannopoulos.
Milo has been on my radar for some time. Today I finally got around to doing a piece on him.
Probably because twitter has decided to ban him.
So much for free speech!