AR: Sovereignty
[Note: Posts with titles that begin with “AR:“ are stubs for the project described at “America Reborn,” which probably should be read first…]
Simply stated, how should sovereignty be allocated in a reborn America? We take it as a given that all individuals should enjoy some level of individual liberty but, does this mean that every individual has the same input / influence into the governing system? For instance, should suffrage be universal or should there be some qualifications or limitations on the voting franchise?
Additionally, without presuming any specific governmental hierarchy yet assuming some manner of hierarchy will prove desirable, how should sovereignty be allocated between the various levels in whatever hierarchy results in this reborn America? How does one limit the ability of one level in a hierarchy from devouring the sovereignty of other levels? (I refer here to what has happened to current America where the Federal level of our hierarchy has effectively neutralized the sovereignty of the State and Local levels.
Sovereignty has to always begin with the individual. Some would call them “natural rights” or any other name but it begins and ends in being secure in person and property. Property encompassing all someone is rightfully entitled to including the fruits of labor. In fact all rightful property has to be fruits of labor. All hierarchy can only serve to secure those natural rights and it should be done as direct steps up that hierarchy. For example family secures the rights of an individual. Community secures the rights of family. State secures the rights of community. federal government secures the rights of states. The federal government has no need to be concerned with the rights of an individual. It has secured the rights of the state which secures the community which can freely secure the family and individuals. Where trouble begins is when a federal government becomes concerned with the rights of an individual. It can and does usurp the sovereignty of state, community, and family. That of course takes for granted all those levels of hierarchy exist. But no matter how many there are the premise remains.
For instance, should suffrage be universal or should there be some qualifications or limitations on the voting franchise?
I would suggest a minimum voting age of 35. After life has had a good chance to kick you around a bit. We’re just too stupid to affect the sovereignty of others before that.
That brings to mind something from 2012. A friend of my daughters is a single mother. She works but only at a very low paying part time job. She had raised her son on for the most part with public assistance for the past ten years. Back during the election of 2012 I happened to mention Mitt Romney to my daughter when her friend was there. Her friend got all ticked off and yelled out “What are you stupid? Mitt Romney wants to kill women!” I had no come back simply because I didn’t know where I could start, and knew there would be no end. There needs to be maturity for any kind of positive outcome.
My response? No but clearly you are! The front door would be opened and she would have been ushered out with a “NEVER RETURN TO THIS HOUSE AGAIN” … there would be no recant of that decision no matter the weeping and wailing my daughter might offer or the apology of the little fool friend.
Her stupidity in the comment was what it was … her disrespect for her friends father WAS/IS NOT TOLERABLE!
Sufferage … perhaps based not only on age but achievement or community service, a stable part of the community?
Well it wasn’t my house. It was in fact a location where it was in my best interest to avoid any sort of conflict at all. My daughter did move on from that particular friend at some point not long after the incident.
Ahh that makes sense. Good for your daughter … smart girl! 🙂