PostHeaderIcon Dead Broke

Just how stupid do the progressives think we “ordinary” citizens are? Consider a recent statement by Queen-in-waiting Hillary Rotten Clinton that she and Bill are “Dead Broke”.

In my limited little world, “dead broke” means no money whatever and no prospects for improvement.

In Hillary’s world, “dead Broke” means down to their last $200,000,000 with Bill’s miserable pension of $200,000 per year (plus certain expenses paid – like for his office, security, etc., etc.), supplemented by outrageous lecture fees and book deals.

Now, it is possible that this statement was meant to be some bizarre form of humor – but, I doubt it. She does not seem (to me) to be that clever plus she has, heretofore, shown no sense of humor (or of anything else save self aggrandizement).

Nope. I suspect that, like others of her kind, she has actually started to believe her own BS.

BTW, by referring to the possible election of Hillary Rotten Clinton, I obviously am backing away from previous predictions that the Obamanation might choose to remain in power as a sort of dictator. He very well may still want this but it looks (to me) as if his “sponsors” may be growing tired of him and his incessant bungling of even the simplest task. Perhaps Putin has replaced Obama as the darling of the one world’ers?

To be totally honest, I don’t know what the heck is really going on or why. My best guess is that we have become so corrupt – the people as well as their governments and their huge corporations – that we will simply rot away. From that perspective, perhaps Hillary Rotten Clinton is a perfect choice to lead us into the ultimate decay.

Think about it (if you can without throwing up).

Troy L Robinson

4 Responses to “Dead Broke”

  • Chris says:

    After hearing today about what’s going on down on the border it doesn’t matter who our next president is. We are being overrun with dirt poor unskilled immigrants and Obama is causing it. We won’t last two more years. Stick a fork in us. We’re done.

  • When the middle class and the poor think about hard times, they are talking about their bills getting higher than their income, because they don’t have much in the way of assets other than possibly a partially paid off home.
    When the rich think of hard times, it’s more like a reduction in the market value of their assets combined with a lack of liquidity. ie, having to sell stocks while the market is down in order to pay for their kid’s tuition. The rich feel poor when they have to sell something at a reduced value in order to remain solvent.

    Obama is no dictator, he’s a puppet for an organization that never loses power, as was Bush. Our problem isn’t that we have bad people in office, it’s that the system is built to only elect puppets of corporate/special interest funded political party leadership. This won’t change until the general public realizes the system will not be fixed from within, because those who can change it profit from leaving it as is.

    • Troy says:

      Obama is no dictator, he’s a puppet for an organization that never loses power, as was Bush. Our problem isn’t that we have bad people in office, it’s that the system is built to only elect puppets of corporate/special interest funded political party leadership. This won’t change until the general public realizes the system will not be fixed from within, because those who can change it profit from leaving it as is.

      I’d say that sums it up nicely. However, the Obamanation does act like a would-be dictator.


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