Cultural Suicide Redux
Pat Condell continues to rail against cultural suicide by virtue signaling:
It is somewhat surprising that Google/YouTube still allows him to get away with such delicious blasphemy. Â 😉 â—„Daveâ–º
Pat Condell continues to rail against cultural suicide by virtue signaling:
It is somewhat surprising that Google/YouTube still allows him to get away with such delicious blasphemy. Â 😉 â—„Daveâ–º
As you know, we were in Europe only a few weeks ago. We can attest that the situation there is far worse than the US media would have you believe — especially in Germany and to a slightly lesser extent in Austria. In some areas, you could be easily convinced that the Europeans were the minority. And, most of the Muslims (yes, the followers of the “religion of peace”) go our of their way to be as rude as possible. For instance, forcing an elderly man with a cane (me) off the sidewalk and into the street. This happened not once but almost every time I encountered a group of them.
I sense it is much the same in some parts of the US. One thing is certain (to me) — Islam is at war with us but we have virtually surrendered. After being in this mess for several days, I commented to St J9 that I guess it will fall to the Chinese to finally put up a stand because the Western world is in full retreat. Even the USA, for all of Trump’s bluster to the contrary. Why? Because too many Americans, especially the young and plastic brained, have been brainwashed into believing the obvious lie that Islam is the “religion of peace”. Indeed, many Americans actually believe that “Islam” means “peace”. It actually means “submission” and that is what it demands from one and all.
To consider Islam to be a religion subject to our Constitutional protections thereof is the same as considering the 1930’s Nazis to have been just another political party.
Good observations and well stated, Troy. Old men should stand their ground and smack these religious kooks about the ears with their canes, just to demonstrate how peaceful they really are. 😉
Sorry, I fail to distinguish a meaningful difference between any form of mysticism, bent on spreading their dogma far and wide. This certainly includes Christianity. â—„Daveâ–º
Dave, You know full well that I agree with you about mysticism. However, I find it reasonable to be more tolerant of those forms of nonsense that pose no direct threat to me, given that I require a lot of tolerance from others because of some of my quirks.
It is my sincere opinion that mankind has reached the point where further advancement is severely hampered by the continued existence of religion in any of its forms. However, trying to outlaw it would only generate hostile resistance. Like most of our problems, a true system of education is our only hope.
As well it should. Would you really support outlawing an individual’s volition to think for himself (however ineptly), and choose to believe whatever myths his elders enculturated him with as a naive child (however implausible), while acknowledging they pose no direct threat to you? Just for the advancement of mankind (the ultimate collective 😉 )?
Not quite. Talk about hostile resistance… just try taking on the teacher’s unions. The system of education in America will never be adequately reformed as long as public school teachers have any say in it. Of course, from my perspective the best way to improve education in America is to end compulsory public schooling.
It would be essential to eliminate the Federal government’s participation in the process entirely. Ditto State governments. Take county and local governments out too, and free enterprise could solve the matter in short order. Frankly, I think AI is the future of education. Every kid in America now carries all the knowledge of the ages in their pockets. All they need are critical thinking skills and the inspiration to explore it, which a robot could easily learn how to provide, better than any self-serving bureaucrat.
In other words, once again, governments are the problem, and cannot be the solution. â—„Daveâ–º
I happen to agree.