State of Denial
Robert Ringer’s just released article, “The Arrogance of the Prom King,” is another masterpiece. It brilliantly makes the point I was recently trying to make in a comment to Troy, that Trump’s success is a bellwether of a real revolution happening in America:
Just when you think you’ve heard and seen it all in the Republican campaignathon, along comes prom king Paul Ryan displaying an arrogance that makes Donald Trump look like the Dalai Lama by comparison. Millions of American jaws must have dropped in unison when chameleon Ryan casually told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he’s “just not ready†to support Trump.
Really? Where do I even begin to address such a remarkable display of unflinching arrogance? How about just stating the obvious — that the litmus-test conservative crowd still doesn’t get it.
That’s right, hard as it is to believe, after ten months of watching Trump swat every political fly who’s annoyed him, the pathetic “Never Trump†crowd really and truly still does not understand what’s taking place in America.
Specifically, what they don’t get is that this is a genuine revolution. And it’s not a revolution about Trump. It’s a revolution about the corruption and arrogance of the leadership of the Republican Party — and, on a broader scale, the entire Washington political establishment.
That’s right, it’s taken eight long and destructive years, but the Republican Party’s base is now in full revolt against the Ryans, the McConnells, the McCains, the Grahams, et al. You’d have to be blind, deaf, and stupid — or totally delusional — not to have figured that out by now. Nevertheless, the guys who have run things for decades have chosen to stubbornly remain in a state of denial.
State of denial, indeed… Do go read and enjoy the whole thing. 😀 â—„Daveâ–º
LOL as you already know my reaction was about the same as Robert’s.
And of course the Trump counter was priceless.
Donald J. Trump Responds to Speaker Paul Ryan
Donald J. Trump
These guys have no clue how deftly they are crushing the life out of their careers.
Bye Bye gravy train 🙂